How to Advertise

Advertising on Phomoshop is a straightforward process designed to get your message in front of our engaged audience quickly and efficiently. Use our Google Form to submit your ads:

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Choose Your Ad Tier

    • Select the tier that best fits your campaign goals and budget

    • Consider factors like desired visibility, campaign duration, and target audience

  2. Submit Your Ad Creative and Target URL

    • Prepare your ad content

    • Provide the URL where you want users to land when they click your ad

    • Submit these materials through our advertiser portal

  3. Make Payment in $USDC

    • Once your ad is approved, you'll receive instructions for payment

    • Transfer the required amount of $USDC tokens to the designated address

    • Your payment secures your ad spot and duration

  4. Ad Review and Activation

    • Our team will review your ad to ensure it meets our community standards and technical requirements

    • Upon approval, your ad will be scheduled and activated on the platform

    • You'll receive a confirmation with the exact start time of your campaign

Last updated